Securitas Employee Hub Sitemap
Your Personalized Gateway to Securitas
Access all your essential tools and information in one place. Our streamlined, mobile-friendly dashboard puts everything you need at your fingertips.
Experience hassle-free login with our single sign-on solution. OneID Securitas ensures quick and secure access to all your Securitas platforms.
Company News
Get the latest updates, announcements, and success stories from across Securitas. Our real-time news feed keeps you in the loop.
Manage Your Finances with Ease
Access the Securitas ePay portal for real-time pay information, tax documents, and more. Our secure Securitas ePay system (SCISePay) puts you in control of your earnings.
Training & Development
- Explore a wealth of training resources and development opportunities. Track your progress and unlock your potential with Securitas.
Employee Resources
Everything You Need, All in One Place Find important documents, policies, and tools to support your role at Securitas. Our comprehensive resource center is designed for your success.